Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 Memory Jar

Happy New Year!!
I hope all you lovelies had an AMAZING year in 2014 and have an even more fabulous year in 2015! 
I want to share with you this amazing idea that I have seen all over Pinterest and decided to recreate for myself!
A memory jar!

This little jar will remind you of all the amazing things that happen throughout the year! You start with an empty jar, decorate it however you want and fill it up with all the good things that happen to you. They could be funny moments, a compliment someone gave you, an act of kindness, a quote, an accomplished goal, a gift, the first time your baby walked (I'm waiting for that one myself) anything that makes you happy write it down and put it in the jar. It's a good idea to write down a date on them as well. 
On New Year's Day read those notes and remember all those happy moments! 

This is how I decorated my Memory Jar

                -Jar    -Markers   -Pipe cleaners   -Card-stock paper   -Ribbon   -Scissors   -Hot glue 

wrote meaningful words on the back 

decorated the lid with a handmade ribbon flower

You can decorate this  HOWEVER you want!! 

This is ideal to start on January 1st, but better late than never!! Now that I have my daughter I think it'll be really fun to start a little family tradition for New Year's Day and remind ourselves what a great year we had. So before you forget what happened this past week go get started on your own memory jar! 

Share your creations!
Find me on IG @hotglueandglitter

XXooOxOxXoO HotGlue and Glitter